Hip Ex Belly Dance, Fitness, & Entertainment, Nia, Polynesian, Yoga

Getting your sweat on has never been so sexy, and thanks to the high-intensity cardio workout, you will burn major calories. Here are the five belly dancing moves Issis shows us in the video. Tuck one end of the hip scarf at the side of your waistband and tuck the centre corner of the hip scarf at the other side of your waistband. Pull the other end through the shoulder strap and drape the rest over your arm. Tuck the centre of the hip scarf at the centre of your bra.

Begin to trace this eight with your hips, by sliding the hips diagonally to the right, weight in the ball of the right foot. Slowly continue tracing the ∞ by pushing the hip backward in a round motion, weight shifting into the right heel. You will need to have reached four points already with your rib cage to do the circle. These are the lift & drop points as in the Chest Lifts & Drops, and the right and left points as in the Chest Slides. The Chest Circle is just a smooth joining of these points. Let the upper body move as it will, you are not a robot and do no need to keep everything stiff.

To move side to side, first lift your right foot and lift your heel until only your toes are touching the ground. Use this movement to pop up your right hip for two counts, and then let it fall lower than normal for two counts. Repeat this movement with your left leg and hip and then alternate until you can shimmy rapidly. Your knees will definitely be bent, but you never want to lock them.

Belly dancing highlights the movement of the torso and hips. Pull each end of the hip scarf through the shoulder straps at each side, adjust the length, and tie the excess ends at the back of your neck. Pull each end of the hip scarf through the shoulder straps at each side, adjust the length of the hip scarf to cover the bra, and tie the excess ends at the back. Pull one end through at the back of the halterneck straps, drape the hip scarf over one wide of your bra, and pull the other end through at the back of the side straps.

On the other hand, modern belly dancing typically refers to the dance that originated from the Middle East in the late 1800s. It was first performed by Egyptians and then by Arabs a century later. When you belly dance, Belly Dance you'll hold your arms up at a ninety degree angle to keep your balance and infuse the movements with grace. Placing your hands on your hips will throw off your balance and even teach your hips the wrong movements. Begin in a position so that your upper body is straight.

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